My mom invited me over for dinner. Even though my parents live nearby, I haven't been visiting them much recently.
My mom, my dad, and I sat around the table, catching up, each of us complaining gently about our jobs. After dinner I helped my mom fill out a form on the computer. I asked if she wanted me to type while she dictated, and she said yes — she doesn't type quickly. It was a small thing, my typing for her, compared to the delicious dinner she had made for us. But I liked doing it.
Then the three of us watched TV together and drank tea. When I'm at my parents' place I drink a bitter, herbal kind that makes me feel warm and sleepy.
Finally it was time for me to go. We hugged goodbye at the door, and on my way to my car I felt thankful for the evening, for them, for how sweet they are.