Thank You Camp


Today I went to the library to drop off a book and check out a new one. My sick friend agreed to come with me. ("Sick" as in, the COVID shot gave him a headache. I'll comment on his sick and twisted personality in later entries.)

We happened to visit during the semiannual book sale, held in a back room they usually keep locked. The books were shelved by genre: Classics, Christmas, Sci-Fi/Fantasy. I waved to a toddler standing alone in one of the aisles. She just looked at me, smiling. My friend started to wave too, thinking it was someone we knew. We laughed: Now we'd both said hi to this random toddler.

In the room next door, people were gathering for a community pottery class. Neat!

I checked out Terry Pratchett's "Wyrd Sisters," my first Discworld book, because I need something funny to buoy my spirits as the weather changes. I'm thankful to my local library for all it does on (what I imagine is) a shoestring budget. The librarians outdo themselves. And I'm thankful to my friend for hanging out with me even though he wasn't feeling well.